Wednesday 30 December 2009

Films of the decade

  1. There Will Be Blood
  2. The Dark Knight
  3. Little Miss Sunshine
  4. Gladiator
  5. The Assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford
  6. Star Trek
  7. Frost /Nixon
  8. Avatar
  9. Requiem for a dream
  10. Cloverfield
  11. Atonement
  12. The New World
  13. Alexander
  14. This Is It
  15. Sin City
  16. The Wrestler
  17. Pans Labyrinth
  18. Casino Royale
  19. Irreversible
  20. King Kong
Thought i would do top ten of the year,and mention the films that I did not like

1:Star Trek:As a life long trekkie,J.J Abrams did justice to the greatest sci fi franchise and hauled it into the 21st century

2:Frost/Nixon:The intellectual Rocky,with great performances from Langella and Sheen

3:Avatar:The great return of James Cameron

4:Michael Jackson's This Is It:The great final performance of the King of Pop

5:The Wrestler:As a fan of wrestling,this film gave me a new perspective and respect for these men and women who risk their lives for entertainment

6:District 9:This years Cloverfeild,had a better robot fight than anything in Transformers 2

7:Anvil:The Story of Anvil:Humourous,sad,uplifting,the real life Spinal Tap

8:Gran Torino:A crafted story of redemption and sacrifice

9:Up:The continuation of Pixar magic

10:The Hangover:Surprisingly good,even better when seen next to its trailer

Also Rans:500 days of summer,Away we go,Slumdog millionaire,Curious case of Benjamin Button,Watchmen,Inglorious Bastards,Bruno,Funny People

Worst Films of the year

1:Transformers 2:The biggest sack of crap I have ever seen,with no redimable qualities

2:Observe and Report:Rape is funny,apparntly

3:Ace Ventura Jr:Cheap,tacky,humourless

4:Monsters V Aliens:Should have been good,dont get how it gets any good reviews what so ever

5:Fantastic Mr Fox:Visually decent,as funny as stepping on a cat
Avatar: Quite a hard film to fairly judge,for it had the most ridiculous hype of any film for quite a while.James Camerons return to cinema after a 12 year absence is flawed,but brilliant.The 3D was not in your face brilliant,but gave the film a polish,the story line was basic yet engaging.But its the visuals that make this film what it is.I dont think I have ever been as impressed visually by a film as I was during this,and in this sense may never be topped.Praise for the soundtrack as well,which is outstanding.This film will have its haters,those who focus on the minor flaws and ignore everything right in this film,and those who do this ,I have sympathy for,because they are missing something really special


Tuesday 6 October 2009

Yo Again

havent done one of these in ages:P tbf,my laptops been in repair and im really pleased to have it back:)Now some films i have seen recently :)

Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs : I really enjoyed this film,it was far better than i expected with a film that has meatballs in its titlem :P The film was witty with a good voice cast (Mr F*cking T!) and cute animation,and overall more than rewatchable


Away We Go: While not exactly reaching the heights of American Beauty(and few films ever will),this indie style peice by Sam Mendes is a beautafall look at the strain and pressure that impending parenthood can bring to a couple,a couple who have not found there place in the world.John Krasinski is a personal favourite from The Office:An American Workplace (as good as the english one,i promise),and I feel he showed real promise in a difficult role.Overall,immensly enjoyable,and i would recommend it to everyone


Surrogates : While watching this film,i had flashbacks to I Robot,for i could not help see the similarities.Both show a time where technology allows humans to use technology to make there lives easier,they both try extremly hard to look futuristic,with a mystery revolving around a murder involving this said and technology.And they both star James Cromwell!But,unlike I Robot,Surrogates does not hang together well enough to create a solid blockbuster,and while its undeniably entertaining enough,each "twist" is more obvious than the last.Great wig on the Bruce though


Toy Story 3D : The best Pixar(closely followed by the almost as good sequeal),I could not wait to see this in 3D.However,upon vewing it again ,i could not help but be dissapointed.The film was as fantastic as ever,but the 3D was appaling,i honeslty only noticed the opening and closing credits and some snow being in 3D.And i payed £1.50 for that privellege!This 3D gimmicking is really starting to grate,almost subtracting from the classic that this film is

Film 5/5

3D 1/5

Friday 18 September 2009


Hey,this is my first blog:) kinda bored so thought i would do this,dont know what to write down really :P I will prob review films i watch or just talk about what i have been up 2

Requiem for a Dream: Where do you start on this film?A incredible peice of cinema,but not one for a friday night.The film is painstakingly beautafal in its on f*cked up way,and the score by Clint Mansell is up there with the best.Yet this film is in no way a enjoyable watch,and in that sense i would not recommened it to many people.The films a bludgeoning experience,leaving you feeling sick,nauseated,but one senses,that was Darren Aronofsky's aim
